Email Composing and Delivery

Design Beautiful Emails in Minutes that can Create a Long Lasting Impression...

Email Creation

'Email' Design studio

Ideate, Create and Relay personalised email correspondences with this auto adjusting design studio that works like a laymen's charm

Any Device

Responsive Email Generation

Auto generate responsive emails that displays perfectly across different devices

Design Images

'Image' Design Studio

Design Creative Images by layering svgs, text & Images. Experiment with creative email designing with one of a kind image designer built within the email design studio

Flexible Designing

Resize with Adaptive Layouts

Resize, add, delete layout sections that auto adjusts and adapts to keep the design intact

Special Designs

Beautifully designed Elements

Out of the box design concepts with premium stylings for buttons, social media sections, links etc

Geo personalization

Localized Email Generation

Automate the generation of your Emails in 100+ Languages with the click of a button

Merge Customer data


Tailor make the email for your target audience with user relevant content to achieve full scale personalization.



Attach Personalized or Static Documents to the Emails that you send

Integrates with any of your tools

Send emails at scale every day.


Insights & analytics.

Track the emails sent, its open rates, click through rates and other useful insights to see more conversion for your emails.